From the garden I returned to the circle in front of the main house. I retraced the path that brought me to the house. Again I passed the large oak tree on the right.
Next I veered left to explore the garden adjacent to the main house. I walked the pathways exploring one end to the other. There was gate at the other end.
After reaching the gate, I walked back towards the main house. I took photos of the house framed by the two columns of oak trees. The view was so beautiful.
People sat in chairs to take in the view. I passed by them as I walked a path to a gate at River Road. Along the way I shot photos of view in front of me.
The guide finished the tour at the front door. We were set loose to explore the grounds. I took some shots around the sides of the building as I made my way to the columns of oaks.
Before long our guide led us to the balcony on the front of the house. Along the way he pointed out a bell that was used to mark each half hour as tours began in the house. From the front balcony I saw a large magnolia tree and a front path.