Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Result of Paint and Pass

This is the canvas I started on at the beginning of the workshop. The other artists worked on it after me. It changed quite a bit along the way.

The Pass and Paint Critique

At the end of the workshop the artists talked about the paintings and how they turned out. I only managed to take photos of the last critique. The artists enjoyed the workshop.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Pass and Paint

Here are the photos from the "Pass and Paint" Workshop sponsored by the Jefferson Art Guild at the Seventh Ward Senior Citizen Center (fondly referred to as "The Pink House." Artists worked 20 minutes at each station in front of a painting. When the time was up, the artists rotated counterclockwise.

The Still Lifes

Here are the three still lifes used for a workshop called "Pass and Paint."
The object of the workshop was for several artists to work on paintings in rotations. Every 20 minutes artists rotated chairs counterclockwise.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Taking Flight

Nathan Logsdon’s maintenance-free-steel sculpture, “Taking Flight,” was inspired by a Classical Greek interpretation of an acanthus leaf. It sits near the intersection of Brockenbraugh Court and Veterans Boulevard. The rust color is intentional according to the artist.

Circling the Sculpture

Now back at the sculpture I circled around it photographing different points of view. It was difficult to avoid the commercial buildings in the background. I was more interested in capturing the clear blue sky.